
Dreamer, procrastinator, worrier. That just about describes me. I have started this blog to remind myself to writeThe goal is atleast one 8-line poem everyday or every other day for the next 365 days. A bit of a mid-year resolution!

I am a bit moody, so sometimes my poems tend to stretch much longer than 8 lines. On the other hand I have some days that I lack inspiration to write anything at all, but I’m pushing myself to not get stuck in that rut for longer than a day

I love what words can do to make you think, feel and sense.

Feel free to read, comment and give me lots of feedback– that’s what a writer truly craves.

Thank you for visiting and please do come again!

17 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello and thank you once again for visiting my blog.
    Gladly I followed your inviation to read your work. So far I’ve been scrolling a bit, just to get an idea. What I liked immediately is, that you always explain what type of poem you have written, how it is structured and properly composed. Speaking for myself only, I have no knowledge about creative writing. I just put the word chaos in my mind into some kind of order and down on paper 🙂
    I look forward to reading your work and to learning.
    Best wishes for your 8 line per day poem journey and many great ideas!

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  2. I too write every day and it’s something in which I can truly lose myself. It’s cathartic and wholesome; a simple escape even when there are no words. At least, not where I expect them to be. But they always come. Keep it up – you’ll thank yourself!

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  3. I have been writing short verse pretty much every day for about four years. It gets easier the longer you do it.
    I also write longer verse and flash fiction periodically. In May was the first time I scheduled pieces to appear while I was unable to get to a computer. And then I doubled up one day and actually missed a short verse one day but I had written either a fiction piece or a long verse that day. I had tried to write at the same time. But this summer I’m shifting my time of day to write due to other projects. And I am just now about a month behind on ‘return’ visits.
    Life sometimes gets in the way of goals. 😉
    Do what you can and enjoy what you do!

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    1. That’s fantastic.. I love your commitment to poetry and fiction. It is definitely harder to find time now that I have a baby, but I still try to fit in a poem atleast once a week or once in two weeks. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. Life does sometimes get in the way.. but there is a lot of good words and poetry which come out of life experiences ! 🙂 Take care Jules, thank you!

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