A full moon- Long verse

The moon shines blue in the eerie night

Crickets croak in mellifluous delight

Pitter patter falls the rain on the window pane

A little boy watches it all: curious, wide-eyed

The moon radiates its bright white light

He jumps in puddles with all his might

Giggles at the mess he’s made of his dress

Could he be any naughtier, his tired mama sighs.

The moon hides behind a dark gray cloud

He’s busy with his friends, the football crowd

Joking, laughing, trying hard to fit in

He’s finding his feet, standing his ground.

The moon is a crescent with a star by its side

He’s enthralled by her beauty, his heart can’t deny

Legs turn to jelly, can’t say anything right

Why is love so awkward, he desperately cries.

The moon is a circle cut right in half

Making a name for himself, he’s working so hard:

He runs the rat race to bell the fat cats.

Meanwhile, his wife is his guiding North star:

They embark on a new journey they cautiously chart.

The moon shines blue this eerie night

Crickets croak in mellifluous delight

He holds his little son close to the window pane

And he watches, as his father did;

Curious, wide-eyed.




You smile every time you sneeze

Rub your little feet together

Cry when I dare put you down

Shout at toys to come closer

You have mastered rolling over

Find your hands so fascinating

They’re always in your mouth

And boy, you sure love drooling

You kick the toy piano so hard

Nod your head along to the music

I can’t believe you’re six months already

Stay my baby a little longer!



Western Pullman


A shelf for your Western Pullman
Lovers in clear glass domes

Minimal furniture, comfortable beds
Bright curtains with light shining through

White walls and wide open spaces,
Our two little ones running around
Toys strewn in their coloured playroom,
Feet scampering, tumbling, fighting.

The smell of prawns cooked Kerala style
Wafting from a cosy warm kitchen
Smiles, laughter and little giggles
Just us two when they go down for the night.

This is the home that I dream of for us-
The one we will some day have.

